Community Services Building
440 Civic Center Plaza
Richmond, CA 94804
Members Present
  • Eduardo Martinez, Mayor at Large
  • Melvin Willis, Councilmember District 1
  • Cesar Zepeda, Councilmember District 2
  • Doria Robinson, Councilmember District 3
  • Soheila Bana, Councilmember District 4
  • Gayle McLaughlin, Councilmember District 5
  • Claudia Jimenez, Vice Mayor, District 6

Link to City Council Agendas/Packets


Register to receive notification of new agendas, etc.





  1. KCRT – Comcast Channel 28 or AT&T Uverse Channel 99
  2. Livestream online at




In Person: Anyone who desires to address the City Council on items appearing on the agenda, must complete and file a pink speaker’s card with the City Clerk prior to the City Council’s consideration of the item.  Once the City Clerk has announced the item, no person shall be permitted to speak on the item other than those persons who have submitted their names to the City Clerk. 


Via Zoom: Anyone who desires to address the City Council on items appearing on the agenda, must raise their hand once public comment is open.  The public speakers attending in person will be called first, followed by Zoom participants.  Only those public speakers that have their hand raised once the speakers are called will be recognized.


Open Session and City Council: Please click the link below to join the webinar:


Passcode: ccmeeting


By iPhone one-tap:  US: +16699006833,,99312205643#  or +13462487799,,99312205643# 

By Telephone:   Dial (for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):  US: +1 669 900 6833 or +1 346 248 7799 or +1 253 215 8782 or +1 312 626 6799 or +1 929 205 6099 or +1 301 715 8592 


Webinar ID: 993 1220 5643


International numbers available:


To comment by video conference: click on the Participants button at the bottom of your screen and select the “Raise Your Hand” button to request to speak when Public Comment is being asked for. When called upon, press the unmute button. After the allotted time, you will then be re-muted.  **


To comment by phone: you will be prompted to “Raise Your Hand” by pressing “*9” to request to speak when Public Comment is asked for. When called upon, you will be asked to unmuted by pressing *6.  After the allotted time, you will then be re-muted. Instructions of how to raise your hand by phone are available at: -Joining-a-meeting-by-phone. **


**The mayor will announce the agenda item number and open public comment when appropriate. 


Via mail: received by 1:00 p.m. the day before the meeting, sent to 450 Civic Center Plaza, 3rd Floor, Office of the Clerk, Richmond, CA 94804.


Via eComments: eComments are available once an agenda is published. Locate the meeting in "upcoming meetings" and click the comment bubble icon. Click on the item you wish to comment on. eComments can be submitted when the agenda is published and until the conclusion of public comments for the agenda item. Email your comment to [email protected] should you have difficulty submitting an eComment during a meeting.


Via email: to [email protected] by 1:00 p.m. the day before the meeting.

Emails MUST contain in the subject line 1) public comments


Properly labeled public comments will be considered a public record, put into the official meeting record, available after the meeting as supplemental materials, and will be posted as an attachment to the meeting minutes when the minutes are posted:


The City cannot guarantee that its network and/or the site will be uninterrupted. To ensure that the City Council receives your comments, you are strongly encouraged to submit your comments in writing in advance of the meeting.


CONDUCT AT MEETINGS:  Richmond City Council meetings are limited public forums during which the City strives to provide an open, safe atmosphere and promote robust public debate. Members of the public, however, must comply with state law, as well as the City’s laws and procedures and may not actually disrupt the orderly conduct of these meetings. The public, for example, may not shout or use amplifying devices, must submit comment cards and speak during their allotted time, may not create a physical disturbance, may not speak on matters unrelated to issues within the jurisdiction of the City Council or the agenda item at hand, and may not cause immediate threats to public safety.


Click here for City Harassment Policy


Accessibility for Individuals with Disabilities:  Upon request, the City will provide for written agenda materials in appropriate alternative formats, or disability-related modification or accommodation, including auxiliary aids or services and sign language interpreters, to enable individuals with disabilities to participate in and provide comments at/related to public meetings. Please submit a request, including your name, phone number and/or email address, and a description of the modification, accommodation, auxiliary aid, service or alternative format requested at least two days before the meeting.  Requests should be emailed to [email protected] or submitted by phone at 510-620-6513, ext. 9, or 510-620-6509.  Requests made by mail to City Clerk’s Office, City Council meeting, 450 Civic Center Plaza, Richmond, CA 94804 must be received at least two days before the meeting. Requests will be granted whenever possible and resolved in favor of accessibility.


Unless otherwise noted in an agenda description, all actions taken by the Council include a determination that CEQA does not apply (i.e., the action is not a project and therefore exempt from CEQA).


Disclaimer:  The City Clerk's Office translates agendas to enhance public access.  Translated agendas are provided as a courtesy and do not constitute legal notice of the meeting or items to be discussed.  In case of discrepancy, the English agenda will prevail.





  • Property: Point Molate (site of former Naval Shipyard Depot)
    Agency Negotiator: Dave Aleshire
    Negotiating Parties: East Bay Regional Park District & Tribe & Upstream Point Molate LLC
    Under negotiation: Price and terms of payment



                                          10:00 a.m.










  • APPROVE entering into the Letter of Intent (LOI) and execution by the Mayor with any final technical changes made by the City Attorney – City Attorney’s Office (David Aleshire 510-620-6509).
