The ACTION is to adjourn the meeting to March 8, 2022, to permit ordinance revisions to be presented to the City Council.
ADOPT a resolution calling a special election to be consolidated with the next statewide primary election to be held June 7, 2022, and submitting to the voters a measure to establish a Special Parcel Tax on Vacant Properties at rates between $3,000 and $8,000 tiered by parcel size, annually per vacant undeveloped parcel; between $3,000 and $8,000 tiered by parcel size, annually per vacant blighted developed parcel; $3,000 annually per vacant blighted residential unit for condominiums, duplexes, or townhouse units under separate ownership; and $3,000 annually per blighted parcel with ground floor commercial activity allowed but vacant, raising about $1,500,000 annually to fund blight and dumping elimination, code compliance, and specified programs - City Manager’s Office, Economic Development (Shasa Curl/Lina Velasco 510-620-6512).